Oficina per al Programa d'Orientaciķ i Transiciķ a la Universitat
L’any acadèmic 2003-2004 es va constituir una comissió mixta entre la Conselleria d’Educació i Cultura i la Universitat de les Illes Balears amb l’objectiu de desenvolupar actuacions als centres d’educació secundària per millorar i ampliar la difusió dels ensenyaments que s’ofereixen a la Universitat, potenciar la coherència del sistema educatiu amb el traspàs d’informació entre nivells educatius, especialment entre l’educació secundària i l’ensenyament universitari, i acostar alumnes i docents dels diferents nivells.
En el marc d’aquesta comissió es va dissenyar el Programa d’orientació i transició a la Universitat (inicialment conegut com a POTU i que actualment, des de l’any 2017, és reconegut per l’acrònim PortUIB) per desenvolupar les actuacions que havien de donar a conèixer l’oferta d’estudis universitaris i fomentar els ensenyaments superiors a la nostra comunitat. De llavors ençà, el PortUIB ha anat augmentant les seves tasques i actualment ofereix un ampli ventall d’activitats, materials i recursos.
Perquè la UIB integri la transició i l’orientació a la Universitat com a eix transversal per a cadascuna de les seves polítiques es va crear l’Oficina per al Programa d’Orientació i Transició a la Universitat (acord executiu 14705 del 23 de novembre de 2022). Així mateix, el Programa d’orientació i transició a la Universitat s'integra dins l’oficina; aquesta inclusió permet la conversió del programa indicat en oficina, que n’amplificarà la visibilitat i en permetrà la integració en l’organigrama institucional.
Funcionalment depèn del Vicerectorat d'Estudiants de la UIB, i els seus tècnics són professors de secundària adscrits en comissió de serveis a la Direcció General d’Universitats i dos PTGAS de la UIB. Una professora de la UIB exerceix les funcions de directora de l'oficina.
Structure and Staff
Tel.: 971 17 26 10 / 30 86
Technical coordinator
Tel.: 971 17 24 36
Tel.: 971 17 20 27
Tel.: 971 17 20 27
Individual Advice and Guidance
Proves Cangur
Objectives of the Programme
Initial Objectives
- Identifying services, programmes and activities linked to student advice, transition and reception at the university
- Spotting any shortcomings in these areas, with a view to improving the information and advice the university provides
- Adequately advising, collaborating with and supporting services, programmes, initiatives, etc.
- And rounding the programme off by proposing new actions.
Current General Objectives
- Spotting any weaknesses and aspects to be improved in all areas linked to information, communication, advice and transition to university, especially aimed at secondary schools
- Designing and undertaking programmes and activities aimed at recruiting and welcoming students and promoting available courses whilst disseminating scientific, social and cultural knowledge and the research undertaken at the UIB
- Promoting actions geared towards offering useful information and advice to secondary students and teaching staff (advisors, tutors, etc.), especially those that contribute to a smoother transition into university life
- Improving communication and collaboration between the two levels of education - secondary and higher
- Assessing and supplementing the programmes and actions that the UIB undertakes and/or proposes in relation to these objectives, as well as supporting them.
Target Group Characteristics
In its early stages, Port-UIB was aimed at three target groups:
- Non-university students, especially those in high school stages (ESO and bachillerato) or VET programmes (who required, above all, information, motivation and guidance actions for continuing their studies)
- Non-university students who had already started, or were about to start, their transition to higher education
- University students and the UIB itself.
At present, target groups are:
- Secondary school teachers
- University lecturers
- Secondary school counsellors
- Compulsory secondary education students and bachillerato students
- Students on higher VET programmes
- Parents of secondary school pupils
- The media
- Society at large (especially those sectors of the administration linked to training and educational guidance, business associations with training and careers guidance departments, etc.).
Areas for Action
The main scope of action and objectives for these areas are as follows:
Secondary School-UIB Collaboration and Communication
Specific objectives:
- Connecting secondary school and UIB teaching staff and ensuring communication between both groups
- Facilitating coordination between non-university and university education.
Relevant activities (amongst others):
- Information for educational guidance services (seminars for counsellors, confereces addressed to counsellors, tutors, teachers, etc.)
- Website, mailbox, etc.
- Conferences, etc.
Information, Student Recruitment and Guidance
Specific objectives:
- Providing information and guidance for secondary school students
- Promoting UIB courses
- Promoting the UIB and its role as a higher education and top-quality research institution.
Relevant activities (amongst others):
- Summer scientific and technical campus
- Talks at secondary schools aimed at students and families
- Open days aimed at students and families
- Actions aimed at specific groups: professionals and students on higher VET programmes
- Practical workshops at various faculties and university colleges (e.g. Demolab, Demotec, Arquodrom)
- Cyberspace for secondary school students, student queries mailbox, campus virtual tour, POTUGame, etc.
- Disseminating research conducted at the UIB.
In subsequent action plans, and for operational reasons, these initial areas for action turned into categories where different activities were grouped together.
University of the Balearic Islands
- Appointment of the Head of the University Transition and Orientation Programme
- Appointment of the Technical Coordinator of the University Transition and Orientation Programme
Balearic Islands Government
UIB-Balearic Islands Government Collaboration Agreements
- 3rd June 2004
- 22nd November 2005
- 8th November 2006
- 10th December 2007
- 24th March 2009
- 26th July 2016